
Creating Seller Property Disclosure is an internal task done by the Zillow internal team. So all research, investigation, and testing were done internally by just setting up time with the Operators (who are responsible for creating and managing Seller Property Disclosure documents).

What is the problem we are solving?

Inaccurate & incomplete creation of Seller Property Disclosure document

The manual process of creating a Seller Property Disclosure document causes incomplete and inaccurate documentation.

Why does this problem exist?

Too many manual steps cause inaccuracy

The operator either gets an email or goes to the Salesforce dashboard to start creating Seller Property Disclosure then the Operator opens up a spreadsheet that is used as a template and gets populated with all required information from another spreadsheet.

My role: Senior Product Designer

  • My responsibilities: UX Strategy, Taxonomy, Design Solution, Prototype, Visual Design, Design reviews

  • Team: 1 designer (Me), 1 PM, 1 UX Writer, 4 devs, 1 Operator (SME)

  • Tools: Figma

  • Project duration: 6 weeks


Seller Property Disclosure is needed when an offer is made during the selling or buying process.

This diagram helps me understand the importance of version history as the Seller Property Disclosure may get updated a few times between the stage of Offer and Closing.

The Operators

Our Operators are responsible for creating, managing, and sending out Seller Property Disclosure to Buyers when offers are made on a property.

Who is facing and or creating the problem?


Taxonomy (Before)

The operator either gets an email or goes to the Salesforce dashboard to start creating Seller Property Disclosure then the Operator opens up a spreadsheet that is used as a template and gets populated with all required information from other spreadsheets.

Our Solution

A landing page where Operators manage opened and completed Seller Property Disclosure documents. The system (ML Modal) compiles, composes, and creates Seller Property Disclosure documents.

Taxonomy (After)

How Operators should be creating Seller Property Disclosure document now

There is a landing page for Seller Property Disclosure where the Operator manages opened and completed Seller Property Disclosure documents in one place. They never have to worry about the accuracy, completion, and storage of the Seller Property Disclosure documents as the system (ML Model) does all that for them now.

Create, Compile & Publish

The operators can create Seller Property Disclosure documents with a few clicks. The system compiles all the required information from other documents and composes it in a nice and clean document format.

Side-by-side view

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Version History, Edit & Share

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Fixing the format of the document was not part of the original scope of the project but I put it along the way and convinced the dev team to put it on the road map.




Seller Property Disclosure documents are created with 98% accuracy, 100% completion, and 189% efficiency, comparatively.